Culzean in Colour

Sunday 2nd July and I am sitting here anxiously peering at the skies. To be honest, they do not look in the slightest bit promising and there is a possibility that today’s event at Culzean Castle will be cancelled. I, personally have no problem with painting in the rain , big brolly, waterproofs equals sorted in my book. All my kit is packed in my tatty pull along suitcase and I am raring to go! The gardens and grounds are wonderful spaces here and always full of interest no matter the weather but I can understand that maybe people wouldn’t view spending the day trying to stop their canvas blowing away or being damp with delight.

It is a competition and whilst I am very competitive, it really is just the opportunity to get in there and paint, meet like minded people and see all the different styles of working. If I won, well that would be fantastic but its a secondary consideration. I want to be happy with what I produce as I don’t often work outside and the main reason for this I have come to realise is fear!

Fear of people watching me while I paint, of people judging my work, feeling that my work isn’t good enough. This is a very limiting mindset to have so I have been working on that by going to a community art group where I have had to paint with lots of other people in the room. Painting most days has also given me a lot more confidence in my own abilities and my process so I can push through the ‘messy stage’ of a painting. I also don’t worry if something really isn’t working. I can paint over it or start another one. Learning to not be afraid to fail has been a great lesson.

Well it’s nearly time to set off for Culzean. Its not raining (at the moment) so fingers crossed we get to start! And you never know, I may come back with that prize.


Well! I won!


Win! Win! Win!